Saturday, December 25, 2004

Christmas Eve

Theresa, Grapes, Luna and I had a lovely Xmas eve – nice and quiet, red-hot and restful. Sleigh bells ring – Knowwhati’msayin?

My friend Sonny called me last night from Kinsale, Ireland. It was amazing to speak with him and his sweetheart Anne and really good for me; we had a first-class conversation. Sonny taught me a lot about the really important things in life like music, books, art of every landscape, texture and flavour, family, dogs and cats, the value of friendships, and the importance of keeping good company. He and his family (along with some other Montreal notables) were responsible for my second coming of age - the one that gave me a better grasp of the world around me. Sonny always pushed me (and continues to push me from afar) to be a better musician and a better thinker and to have a sharper sense of humour. He'd kick my ass with one of his textured cowboy boots for saying these kinds of these things in public, but I can’t help myself. Herb, you son-of-a-gun, I love you. Tess and I will be over to see you and Anne before you know it.

Slán go fóill.

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Edmonton AB - 1971 Posted by Hello

Kindergarten Posted by Hello

Halloween - 03 Posted by Hello

Self Portrait Posted by Hello

